This Sunday, we received an incredible stack of prayer requests from members who are asking prayer for friends and family. Know that we're praying for you! We're looking forward to next Sunday!
On the way into church last Sunday, everyone received a penny. Then together we looked at the story of the lost coin. At the end of the service we invited members who made a commitment to reach out to others, to signify that by putting their penny in the offering basket. We received 134 pennies! If each of those pennies represent a person we care about, and will reach out to, that $1.34 offering may be the biggest offering we've ever received!
Are you interested in reaching out to our Corona neighbors? We send out flyers inviting our neighbors to New Life. Below is how your money helps reach out to our community.
Today (Thursday) One of our members shared an encouraging story that we wanted to pass along to you. This member has been giving to Growing in Faith. But recently made a commitment to increase their giving for the last twelve months of our three year project. After making the commitment, they received a review at work, and as a result they were given a monthly raise that matches the increase in their Growing in Faith giving. They mentioned that this was more than a coincidence!
It’s encouraging to hear real life stories of God at work in the life of our members!
Our all church picnic is this Sunday from 12:30-3:00pm at Promenade Park. Pick up a map at the Information Table on Sunday. Be sure to bring chairs and blankets. The activities for the day are as follows... 1:00pm- One on One Basketball Tournament, "Wrapped in His love" project 1:15pm- Water Balloon Toss 1:45pm- Sack Races 2:15pm- Pinata
Last Sunday, we had a member of our church come up after the service and ask a question. This member found it difficult to remember to bring their giving to church on Sunday. They pay their bills online and wanted to know if they could give directly to the church via their bank. The answer is…..yes! You can set up your giving just like any other account you pay using your bank's online bill pay. Now you won’t have to worry that you forgot your checkbook or if you miss a service, your giving is already set up!
This week, we sent out another 1,000 flyers to our Corona neighbors inviting them to New Life. Please pray that God will use these flyers to bring people to our church and that He will meet them here.
Our Discipleship Essentials class is off to a great start. We have 30 people signed up. Right now we are learning about being a Bible centered Christian. If you are interested in finding out more about this workshop. check out here
If you would like to find out what the Discipleship Essentials are, check out this webpage.
The March Giving was - $50,585 The amount we need to pay the bills - $50,297 The difference – an excess of $288 that went to ministry.
The giving for the month of March was $50,585. This allowed us to not only pay the bills, but allowed us to fund some of our ministries. Thanks to everyone who gives to God at New Life.
Our student ministry is going to Magic Mountain on Saturday, April 12th. The cost per student is $30 and $20 for adult drivers. We are in need of drivers to bring our students to Magic Mountain. Enjoy a day of rides and a concert by Christian artists. Stop by the Information Table for more details or send us an email.
Meet Saliendro Kochhap. He is the missionary we support through Gospel for Asia. Thanks to our support, Saliendro was able to distribute 11,000 tracts and 300 New Testaments. He was also able to share the Gospel with many unreached people. Please pray for his safety and the growth of his ministry. If you are interested in supporting this ministry financially, write “GFA” on your giving. Thank You!