Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Church Gathering this Sunday, January 3rd with our new forever Pastor


Good afternoon & Happy New Year New Life!

This Sunday, please join us in welcoming our new Pastor, Brian Drinkwine to our church in which is now his new home with us. We are so excited to start this New Year with a fresh start, and look forward to what comes our way together in Christ's name.

There are no programs for children or youth on Sunday's as of yet, so families will need to sit together.

If you’re not able to attend, the message for Sunday will still be available online.

Please pray for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Letter from our Pastor

As we spend time with friends and family during this Christmas season, I want to share one additional thought:

Christmas is a time of nostalgia, family, and togetherness. For most of us, we look on this time with fondness and excitement, anticipating the arrival of a season that is special and full of memories. But there is also a great sadness for some of us. With Christmas comes painful memories, as not every person we love is here any more. As much as we love to be with our closest friends and family members, the absence of our lost loved ones is sometimes felt just as much as the presence of those who are physically in our midst. 

For you, this may not be the case, but 2020 has robbed you of experiencing Christmas to its fullness. Maybe you are being forced to experience Christmas through a computer screen, you or someone you know has become ill, or something else about this year has destroyed your image of what Christmas would be like.

I, as much as anyone, recognize this pain and don’t want to ignore it. My dad passed away only days before Christmas fourteen years ago. It was sudden, unexpected, devastating. Every year is difficult and there is always a part of me that expects him to come walking in the door. I always tell myself that one day the pain will go away, but it doesn’t. 

With this, every Christmas, I attempt to remind myself of two things:

First, I am reminded that our pain is just one way we identify with Jesus’ sacrifice for us. While it isn’t sentimental or “feel good,” this theological reality is something I cling to each year during Christmas. When Jesus went to the cross, he took on a pain that is deeper and more profound than the deepest sadness I will ever experience.

Second, I am reminded that pain is evidence of love. After all, if there were no pain, sadness, or grief, how could I say that I ever loved my dad? As much as I want God to remove my pain, I can also experience peace in knowing that it is this very pain that reminds me of how much he meant to me.

You may be experiencing pain for any number of reasons. Maybe, like me, you have lost someone you love. Or maybe, due to our current health crisis, you are unable to see your loved ones in person and a “virtual Christmas” seems so disappointing, a let-down of an otherwise beautiful experience. Maybe it’s something entirely different. Whatever the case, just know that you are not alone. 

And this brings me to a third—and quite important—reality: We are not alone. After all, this is the reality of Christmas, that Jesus came as Immanuel, which means “God with us.” This Christmas, as you look around a full room—virtual or otherwise—and perhaps even amongst family you are tempted to feel lonely, let the gentle and powerful whisper of God lean into your ear and say, “I am with you.”

Merry Christmas,
Brian Drinkwine

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Youth Virtual Christmas Party, Tonight @ 5p.m.!


Yoooo! Party starts in less than an hour! Hope to see y'all there. Fun, games, and prizes is what to expect!! Join the Google meet and let's celebrate!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

LYFE Youth Ministries Meeting Tonight @ 7p.m.


Hey there youth peeps! We're embarking on our 3rd week of our Advent studies. Tonight, let's chat about Something Priceless! See you at 7p.m.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

LYFE Youth Ministries Tonight @ 7p.m.


Good afternoon! Tonight we kick off a 4-week series focused on the coming of Christ; ADVENT. Join us at 7p.m. tonight as we explore the topic of worship. Hope to see you there!

Join the Google meet:

Friday, November 27, 2020

November 29th Outside Gathering


Good afternoon New Life Members!

This Sunday, please continue to join us with our on-going Guest Speaker, Pastor Brian Park. We are still meeting outside, and are so excited to worship and have fellowship with you.

There are no programs for children or youth on Sunday's as of yet, so families will need to sit together.

If you’re not able to attend, the message for Sunday will still be available online.

Please pray for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Church Gathering this Sunday, November 8th


Dear New Life Members, 
We have to cancel meeting inside this Sunday due to finding out that for we are now in the purple zone.  WE WILL RESUME MEETING OUTSIDE THIS SUNDAY.  With that being said, we are getting everything ready to remain outside with extra tents and hopefully space heaters to help with the rain and cold weather.  Please dress accordingly so that you don't freeze and get wet.  This will be an opportunity to still gather together for prayer, worship and in Christ’s name.  

There are no programs for children or youth, families will sit together.  

If you’re not able to attend, the message for Sunday will still be available online.  

Please pray for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Church Gathering Inside Sunday, November 8th


Dear New Life Members, 
As you all must know by now, the weather for this Sunday will be quite chilly and raining.  With that in mind, we have decided to still meet together but inside so that we can all remain warm and dry.  We are getting everything ready and in place as far as following the rules and guidelines go per the state for staying safe.  This will be an opportunity to pray, worship and gather in Christ’s name.  

There are no programs for children or youth, families will sit together.  

If you’re not able to attend, the message for Sunday will still be available online.  

Please pray for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Men's Breakfast with Greg Olney


Hey Guys!  We have an online men's breakfast for the men of New Life almost every other Saturday.  The breakfast is put on by Greg Olney in Zoom.  For more information, contact Greg at

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Church Gathering on Sunday's

Hey New Lifers!  

We are planning to continue gathering together in Christ’s name on Sunday mornings.   This is an opportunity to worship God, study God’s word, and gather with God’s people. 

We’ll be offering one service at 9:30 a.m.  This earlier time should help beat some of the Summer heat.  

Please pray for our outdoor services and help get the word out to any members who may not be active on social media. 

See you Sunday! 

Monday, August 31, 2020

Gathering this Sunday, September 6th


Hey New Lifers!

We are planning to continue gathering together in Christ’s name on Sunday mornings.   This is an opportunity to worship God, study God’s word, and gather with God’s people.

We’ll be offering one service at 9:30 a.m.  This earlier time should help beat some of the Summer heat.

Please pray for our outdoor services and help get the word out to any members who may not be active on social media.

See you Sunday!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Church Gathering this Sunday


Dear New Life Members,

Our meeting last Sunday went great!  We’re planning to meet again this Sunday, August 30th at 9:30 a.m. (note that this is a half hour earlier than last Sunday).

The meeting will be outdoors in the parking lot, so dress accordingly.  Some pop-up tents will be available for shade, but plan for warm weather.  There are no programs for children or youth, families will sit together.

Please pray with us for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name.

Monday, August 24, 2020

This Sunday's Church Gathering


Our meeting last Sunday went great!  We’re planning to meet again on Sunday, August 30th at 9:30 a.m.  (note that this is a half hour earlier than last Sunday). 


The meeting will be outdoors in the parking lot, so dress accordingly.  Some pop-up tents will be available for shade, but plan for warm weather.  There are no programs for children or youth, families will sit together.  


Please pray with us for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name.

8-30-2020 Gathering

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Church Gathering this Sunday, August 23rd


Dear New Life Members, 

We’re planning to have a church gathering in the parking lot on Sunday, August 23rd at 10:00 a.m. This will be an opportunity to pray, worship and gather in Christ’s name. 

The meeting will be outdoors, so dress accordingly. Some pop-up tents will be available for shade, but plan for warm weather. There are no programs for children or youth, families will sit together.  

If you’re not able to attend, the message for Sunday will still be available online. 

Please pray with us for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

August 23rd Gathering


Dear New Life Members,

We’re planning to have a church gathering in the parking lot on Sunday, August 23rd at 10:00 a.m. This will be an opportunity to pray, worship and gather in Christ’s name.

The meeting will be outdoors, so dress accordingly. Some pop-up tents will be available for shade, but plan for warm weather. There are no programs for children or youth, families will sit together.

If you’re not able to attend, the message for Sunday will still be available online.

Please pray with us for God to change lives as we gather together in Christ’s name.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen from the dead! He is King of kings and Lord of lords!

Today, we'll look at the passage in which Jesus declares, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”. Join us as we look at John chapter 11.

Listen online at

Saturday, April 11, 2020

I Am the Resurrection and the Life!

Jesus declares, “I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”.  Join us as we look at this passage in John chapter 11.  Listen online at

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Good Friday Communion

Would you like to take communion on Good Friday?  If so, there is an option to do so from home.  You’ll need to arrange for your own communion elements.  Our church normally uses bread and grape juice.  To take part, visit the Good Friday webpage, and look for the “Good Friday Communion” video.  You can find it at  May God bless you as you think on Christ’s death and resurrection. 

Good Friday

Good Friday is a time to remember Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. Join us for a time of reflecting on Christ and His death. Visit our online Good Friday service to…

·      Worship God through Singing
·      Listen to a Good Friday Message
·      Take Part in Communion

-->To participate, go to