During the weekend service Mike Hannah teaches the Bible. Over the next couple weeks we're going to do a few questions and answers on the weekend message. This week's question is....
Question – How do you decide what to speak on? Answer – Each Fall I begin the process of putting together the message schedule for the following year. I usually begin with a season of prayer and reflection. During this time I seek direction from God. I also try to take into consideration needs of the church, and a balance between what we’ve covered recently and things we haven’t covered as a church.
My favorite way to teach is to go through books of the Bible, so that is my natural leaning. If you look back at our history as a church, about 75% of the time we go through books of the Bible, about 25% of the time we do topical studies. Some subjects, especially theology is probably best covered topically. For example, if you want to know what the Bible says about Holy Spirit, you need to look at more than one passage.
After praying and getting initial direction, I’ll usually run a proposed message schedule by the church board and at a staff meeting for feedback. After this, I’ll put together a message schedule for as far into the year as I can plan. I usually have a rough idea of what I’ll be speaking on at least six months out, sometimes for the whole year.
For 2008 I’m thinking of going through three books of the Bible.
The book of
Luke – It’s been a while since we’ve done a series through the life and teaching of Jesus, the last time was 2001. You can’t go wrong when focusing on Jesus!
1 John – I’ve never done a series through 1 John and I’m pumped about studying this book. As part of our “One Hit Wonder” series we studied 2nd and 3rd John, so this will complete our study of the three epistles that bear John’s name.
James – In Fall of 2008 I’m praying about doing a study through the book of James. There is a lot of practical advice for living for Christ in James. One of the focuses is on putting your faith into action.