Monday, June 2, 2014

6/1/14 Message

This Sunday, we looked at a passage in Romans 14 regarding what to do about some of life's "gray areas."
Here are 6 Questions to Consider "When in Rome"...

1) Am I guarding against a judgmental attitude? vs 1 “without passing judgement”
2) Am I remembering that God is the one to whom each person will answer?
vs 4 “who are you to judge someone else’s servant”
3) Am I allowing that each person must follow their own conviction? vs 14 “for him it is unclean”
4) Am I staying focused on what really matters, and allowing grace in the secondary stuff? vs 17 “the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating...”
5) Am I handling differences in a way that honors God and takes into consideration the people around me? vs 19 “do not destroy the work of God”
6) Am I acting with faith and a clear conscience?

To listen to the message, visit our website.

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