Wednesday, July 3, 2019

"Re:Start" Series (6.30.19 Message)

On Sunday we started our "Re:Start" series. See below for more...

1) God is big enough to fulfill His word.

2) God is big enough to move any heart.
3) God is big enough to deliver us from any circumstances.
4) God is big enough to stir people's hearts to help.
5) God is big enough to provide the resources to accomplish His purposes.
6) God is big enough to bring help from unexpected places and unexpected people.
7) God is big enough to retain and restore that which has been taken.
8) God is big enough to bring the right people to provide the right help.
9) God is big enough that we don't need to compromise.
10) God is big enough to do whatever is needed to deliver His people and accomplish His eternal purposes through Christ Jesus our Lord.

To listen to the message, click here.

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