Sunday, July 21, 2019

"Re:Start" Series (7.21.19 Message)

Today we continued our "Re:Start" series.  See below for more...

1) Don't be surprised if people oppose you.

2) Don't be surprised if some of the people who say they want to help, are actually there to hurt.
3) Don't be surprised if some of the people who say they follow God, don't follow God.
4) Don't be surprised if you have to say "no" to others and follow God alone.
5) Don't be surprised when it feels like everything is working against you.
6) Don't be surprised if there's times of discouragement, difficulty and fear, that test your resolve to go on.
7) Don't be surprised if the enemy uses other people to pull you down.
8) Don't be surprised if there's times of frustration, and the problems don't leave you alone.
9) Don't be surprised if people accuse you.
10) Don't be surprised if along the way, there are moments when it looks like the enemy is winning.
11) Don't forget (even when things are at a standstill) that nothing in all creation can stop the God whom we serve.

To listen to the message, click here.

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