Thursday, July 30, 2015

Worship Team Update

Worship Team Update      
As most of you know, our worship leader, Seth Schmit is moving to Colorado.  This will mean changes on the worship team.  We wanted to share with you what worship will look like during this transition.

A rotation of worship leaders – Over the next couple months you’ll see rotation of worship leaders.   This will include people worship leaders from both inside and outside the church. 

We’ve hired a worship intern – To assist during this transition we’ve hired a part time worship intern.    His name is Aaryn Sanders. Aaryn will help organize the worship as well as being part of the rotation on Sunday.   See below for more information on Aaryn.

Please join us in praying that God will lead and guide over the upcoming months as we see what new thing the Lord wants to do regarding our weekend worship.
Introducing our New Worship Intern. 

We are pleased to introduce Aaryn Sanders as our new worship intern.  Aaryn will serve as the point person for our worship team and is looking forward to serving at New Life.  Aaryn has a heart for worship and has just completed Calvary Chapel school of worship.
Aaryn also has a connection to New Life.  His parents and he attended here when he was younger.  Please join us in making Aaryn feel welcome and please pray for God’s hand upon him and the worship team.  If you need to contact Aaryn, you can do so by sending him an email at

New Series - Bring a Friend

Ever feel like getting away from everything?  Maybe it’s time for a vacation! Join us in the month of August as we look at one person’s attempt to get away from it all!  “Postcards from Nineveh” looks at lessons from the life of Jonah. 

Topics Include:

Facts to Consider when Running from God – Jonah 1
Sometimes God is calling us to go somewhere we don’t want to go, or stay somewhere we don’t want to stay, or forgive someone we don’t want to forgive.  Join us on Sunday August 2nd of week one of our series as we look at what happens when we run from that which God is calling us to do. 

The Danger of Avoiding a Really Difficult Decision – Jonah 1
Have you ever needed to make a difficult decision that you knew would effect others?  Have you ever made the hard choice to cut off a relationship in your life?  In the book of Jonah God puts a group of people in a position where they have to throw someone overboard!  Join us on August 9th as we look at the dynamics of making really hard choices in life.

Refocusing on God after a Spiritual Detour Jonah 2: 7-9 
Jonah was someone who experienced a spiritual “detour” in life. He ran from God! God used a series of tough times as a wake up call, and now Jonah is ready to get refocused on the Lord. Have you experienced moments in your life when you knew it was time to refocus on God? Join us on August 16th as we look at how to refocus on God the right way – from the inside out.

How to Make the Most of a Second Chance – Jonah 3
Everyone needs a second chance (and third, fourth…)  But how do you make the most of a new start?  Jonah was someone who ran from the Lord, but God was willing to give him a second chance. Join us on August 23rd to find out what happens when “the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time”.

Good and Angry:  Understanding Spiritual Anger – Jonah 4
What do you do when you're fed up with everything and everyone? We're going to look at someone who is "angry enough to die".  What dynamics brings someone to the end of their rope?  Join us on September 6th as we look at the causes of spiritual anger and frustration.

Help Share the Good News

There are over 400,000 people within driving distance of our church and many of them need to hear about Jesus Christ.  Will you play a part in helping share Christ’s love?  Between now and Fall we want to reach out to our community. Here are some practical ways you can play a part.

1) Take advantage of everyday opportunities to point people to  Christ.  Let your light shine through your everyday conversations and actions.  Let people see that Christ is real in your life.

2) Help spread the Word on Facebook  Each time we start a new series, we post an invitation on Facebook.  Help spread the word by hitting the “share” button when the post shows up in your Facebook feed.

3) Pass along an Invite card – When a new series comes around our church usually puts invite cards in the bulletin.  Hand a card to someone you know, or place a card in a public place, maybe a bulletin board at work.

4) Help us reach out via mail and web – From time to time our church mails invitations into the community.  The cost for the mailing breaks down to about $15 to reach a hundred homes.  Other times we use online methods of outreach.  You can play a part by making a special gift to help with our next community outreach. 

5) Pray for our church to reach people for Christ - Take time this week to pray that God would use our outreach efforts to reach people for Christ.

Giving Update

We’re halfway through 2015! Here’s a quick update of where our church is at financially as we enter Summer:
The Good News - Our church raised over $20,000 to improve and update our church home. We’re thankful for everyone’s generosity.
The Bad News - For the last two months our giving has fallen short by $1700 a week. This has made it very difficult to fund the basic bills of the church. We’ve pulled money out of reserves  to cover the difference, but that money is dwindling. We experienced a shortfall in May and June of $1700 a week
How you can Help - A shortfall of $1700 a week is significant. But when you consider we have a church of over 100 people, that averages out to only $17 a week per person. With God’s help we can make up this difference! Please pray for God’s hand of blessing.

For more information on giving go to

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Connecting Point

Connecting Point is first step to get connected with our church family.  We’re glad you’re here and want to welcome you.  Join us Sunday, August 23rd after the 11am service to hear more about New Life.  This class also gives everyone a chance to ask questions, and meet some of our leaders.  Bring the whole family and we’ll bring the food!  We will be meeting in Room #5.

The Biblical Value of Giving

Jesus says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21).  To learn about giving, check out the giving page at our website.

Helping those in need!!

Would you like to help someone in need?  The Bible says, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done” Proverbs 19:17. The holidays are a great time to reach out to those in need. There are members of our community, and even in our own church family who can use a helping hand. Here are a few ways that you can get involved:

1) Buy a gift card to a local supermarket and drop it off at the church office, we'll then pass it along to someone in need.

2) Make a special financial gift to the church and designate it for "members in need," we'll direct 100% of the gift to a member who could use a helping hand. 

If you would like to find out more practical ways to help, check out our "Helping Those in Need" website

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Gospel for Asia Outreach

Last Sunday we talked about the persecution of Christians in India.  Each month, our church supports a missionary in India.  His name is Sailendro Kochhap, and he serves in the Jeypore Odisha Region.  Please take time to pray for Sailendro.  If you want to find out more about missions to India, check out

On Mission Spotlight!!

We want to say thanks to Scott Weisheit for making a difference.  Scott serves as our Associate Pastor, and assists with the Care and Connecting ministries here at New Life.  Thanks for serving at New Life Scott!

Stay Connected - Keep your info up-to-date

If you've moved or changed any of your contact information, please let us know! Fill out the Connecting Card this Sunday or send us an email at with your new info so you don't miss anything we send out.

Monday, July 27, 2015

FOCUS: Week 7 (7.26.15 Message)

On Sunday we finished "FOCUS" series in the book of Hebrews.
To listen to the message or download the full outline, visit our website.

Mexico Outreach

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to the Mexico outreach on July 26th.  We had a great response and your generosity will help children in need. 

If you enjoyed playing a part, each month we collect donations for the Estado 29 orphanage.  On the third Sunday of each month you’ll welcome to bring a donation of goods and leave it in our drop off box.  The box can be found right inside the entrance to our children’s classes.  Below are the items that the orphanage needs.

If you would like to find out more ways to support the Estado 29 orphange, please contact the leader of our Mexico Outreach – Jacob Ruiz at (email address). 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mexico Outreach Support

Thursday, July 23, 2015

On Mission Spotlight

We want to say thanks to Brian Johnston for making a difference at New Life.  Brian serves as a volunteer by welcoming us into our Sunday services.  Thanks for serving at New Life Brian!

Serve @ New Life

This past Sunday we highlighted serving at New Life. If you would like to get involved, but didn’t turn in a “Get Involved” slip, you can fill out our online interest form, and we’ll contact you about ways to get involved.

You can also find general information about serving in the serving section of our website here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mexico Outreach

Our church supports the Estado 29 Orphanage near Ensenada, Mexico. A practical way to show Christ’s love is to donate items to the children at Estado 29. The orphanage has an ongoing need of basic items to help care for the children. 

Household items
·    toilet paper (most needed)
·    cooking oil (most needed)
·    dish cleaning liquid
·    clothes cleaning liquid
·    clorox
·    pine-sol
·    windex
·    shampoo
·    toothpaste
·    deodorants
·    feminine hygiene products

Food items
·    powder milk
·    chocolate mix for milk
·    coffee
·    sugar
·    beans
·    rice

Smaller items may be dropped off in the Mexico drop box on the 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month. 
For larger items please contact Jacob Ruiz to make arrangements for the supplies to be directly delivered to him. This will help to keep donations organized and ensure they get to the orphanage in a timely manner. You can reach Jacob at 760-218-9683. 

Digging Deeper

Are you ready to dig deeper as a Christian? Check out our “Digging Deeper” webpage.  On it, you’ll find in-depth Bible study tools, free online theology classes, and other resources to help you grow stronger in your faith.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Prayer Group

As followers of Christ we’re called to seek God.  Jesus tells us “ask and it will begiven to you, seek and you will find” (Matthew 7:7). 

In order to establish a stronger prayer presence in our church, we’ve launched a new prayer group.  This is an opportunity to gather together to pray for the church and for each other.  
This group is led by Mark Loomis and meets twice a month on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.  The next prayer group meeting will be this Saturday, July 25th at 9:00 am at our church in Room #5.  For more information, email Mark at

Monday, July 20, 2015

Intro to Leadership Workshop

Would you like to find out what's involved in being a leader at New Life?  If so, join us for the "Intro to Leadership" workshop. The workshop is on Monday, July 27th and Monday, August 3rd. The time is 6:30-8:30 pm.  We'll be meeting in room 5 at church.

FOCUS: Keeping On Keeping On (7.19.15 Message)

On Sunday we continued in our "FOCUS" series in the book of Hebrews.
To listen to the message or download the full outline, visit our website.

Worship Update @ New Life

Worship Team Update      

As most of you know, our worship leader, Seth Schmit is moving to Colorado.  This will mean changes on the worship team.  We wanted to share with you what worship will look like during this transition. 

A rotation of worship leaders – Over the next couple months you’ll see rotation of worship leaders.   This will include people worship leaders from both inside and outside the church. 

We’ve hired a worship intern – To assist during this transition we’ve hired a part time worship intern.    His name is Aaryn Sanders. Aaryn will help organize the worship as well as being part of the rotation on Sunday.   See below for more information on Aaryn.

Please join us in praying that God will lead and guide over the upcoming months as we see what new thing the Lord wants to do regarding our weekend worship.


Introducing our New Worship Intern. 

We are pleased to introduce Aaryn Sanders as our new worship intern.  Aaryn will serve as the point person for our worship team and is looking forward to serving at New Life.  Aaryn has a heart for worship and has just completed Calvary Chapel school of worship. 

Aaryn also has a connection to New Life.  His parents and he attended here when he was younger.  Please join us in making Aaryn feel welcome and please pray for God’s hand upon him and the worship team.  If you need to contact Aaryn, you can do so by sending him an email at


On Sunday we talked about remembering those imprisoned for their faith.  If you want to learn more about persecution and how to help.  Here are a couple of websites that will help you get started:

Open Doors -
Voice of the Martyrs -

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Saying Goodbye to a New Life Family Member

Hey New Lifers!

July 26th will be Seth Schmit’s last Sunday at New Life.  We’re asking your help to say goodbye.  Over the next two Sunday’s there will be cards that you can use to leave a note for Seth and his family.  Please take a moment after the service and jot down a note of appreciation for all they have done at New Life. The cards will be available outside after the service at a special table.  

FOCUS: Week 5

Last Sunday we continued in our "FOCUS" series in the book of Hebrews with guest speaker, Armando Garcia.
To listen to the message or download the full outline, visit our website.

Mexico Outreach - Items that may be donated

Our church supports the Estado 29 Orphanage near Ensenada, Mexico. A practical way to show Christ’s love is to donate items to the children at Estado 29. The orphanage has an ongoing need of basic items to help care for the children. 

Household items
·    toilet paper (most needed)
·    cooking oil (most needed)
·    dish cleaning liquid
·    clothes cleaning liquid
·    clorox
·    pine-sol
·    windex
·    shampoo
·    toothpaste
·    deodorants
·    feminine hygiene products

Food items
·    powder milk
·    chocolate mix for milk
·    coffee
·    sugar
·    beans
·    rice

Smaller items may be dropped off in the Mexico drop box on the 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month. 
For larger items please contact Jacob Ruiz to make arrangements for the supplies to be directly delivered to him. This will help to keep donations organized and ensure they get to the orphanage in a timely manner. You can reach Jacob at 760-218-9683.