Sunday, December 15, 2019

"Focus" Series (12.15.19 Message)

Today we continued a series called "Focus".  Our topic was "Focus - Focus on Serving God in Everyday Ways".  Topic points:

1) Who is one person or what is one need that I can pray for this week?
2) What is one thing I can thank God for this week?
3) What's one way I can pray for those who share the gospel?
4) What's one opportunity in which I can make a difference through my actions?
5) What's one conversation in which I can sprinkle a little salt?
6) Is there someone I need to be wrestling for in prayer?
7) What is one way I can work hard for the cause of Christ this week?
8) What's one action I can take towards finishing that which God called me to do?

To listen to the message, click here.

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